AUFBRUCH Graduate Cluster Summer Retreat

This week, the first PhD Summer Retreat took place in the Graduate Cluster AUFBRUCH. 25 PhD students from our project in the Rhenish mining area met in Neuss to learn more about the basics of communication and the challenges of interdisciplinary cooperation together with our colleague Katrin Kriebs and an external trainer. Of course, the group also had a lot of time to get to know each other and grow together.

On the third day of the retreat, we went on an excursion together to the Garzweiler opencast mine, where we were able to experience what the lignite mining area looks like today and what measures are being taken to preserve and actively build up nature and biodiversity. Thanks to RWE for the exciting tour and the many insights into coal mining, the effects on people and nature and the many activities related to the recultivation of the landscape, the habitat, and the economy in the area.