Realise-Bio starts into the last year of the project
Our Interreg Germany-Netherlands project Realise-Bio started two years ago and we can look back on some successes in the project: Together we were able to find eight cross-border consortia, each of which receives funding of 75,000 euros through the project. A total of twenty partners from Germany and the Netherlands are working to develop various technologies to realise a sustainable and circular economy in the program region. While some projects will still receive funding until the middle of the year, one model project has already successfully achieved its goals and ended at the end of 2024.
The topics are just as diverse as the partners themselves: from AI for soil health, to sustainable and circular furniture, insect oil for sustainable paper coatings, more sustainable use of plant substrates, to new membrane technologies for extraction processes.
For the last year of the project, however, we have set ourselves even more than just supporting the eight selected model projects.
We want to make the added value of Realise-Bio usable beyond these partners for innovators in the border region of Germany and the Netherlands. In December, the core consortium therefore met for another strategy meeting in Düsseldorf.
Look forward to many more networking and knowledge events together with projects in the region and beyond, as well as with many partner organisations that want to advance the bioeconomy together with us. Another highlight will be the publication of our recommendations for action. In these, we will look at the most important challenges for innovation and outline solutions – from raw materials, to processing and the topics of marketing and regulation, we want to support you in realising the bioeconomy in the border region.
Visit our website or contact us if you would like to become part of the Realise-Bio network.