Circular Bioeconomy Transformation Methodologies


The transition towards a circular bioeconomy is crucial for meeting the goals of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan and for tackling the climate and biodiversity crises. Following on from COP16 on Biological Diversity and on the same day that delegates will be discussing nature and biodiversity at COP29 on Climate […]

Day of bio-based materials (in German only)

Reception and welcome café from 09:15 Programme 10:00 - 17:00 New and innovative materials will profoundly change the economy in our region in the foreseeable future. Why and where bio-based materials can be used in industrial material cycles in the future and what role they play for companies in a sustainable circular economy are relevant […]

11th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-Aromatics

Hilton Antwerp Old Town Groenplaats 32, Antwerpen, Belgium

On 27 and 28 November 2024, Shared Research Center Biorizon will host its 11th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-Aromatics in Antwerp and online. Large industry players, Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME's) and Research and Technology Organisations (RTO's) from all over the world will be present to discuss the latest progress in the field of bio-aromatics and to […]

22nd Baesweiler BioTec Meeting: Biotechnology as a gateway to new value creation (in German)

Internationales Technologie- und Service-Center Baesweiler (its) Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring 2, Baesweiler, Nordrhein-Westfalen

   -The event is in German - The implementation of a climate-neutral circular economy is a central and cross-industry challenge of our time, the success of which is significantly influenced by the transformation of industries towards a biological economy. The development and establishment of new (bio)materials and the utilisation of renewable raw material sources create […]

CLIB webinar on the Industrial Bioeconomy funding programme (in German)


-in German only- Programm 12:50 Uhr Check-In 13:00 Uhr Begrüßung und Einführung Dennis Herzberg, CLIB 13:10 Uhr Das Förderprogramm Industrielle Bioökonomie Katrin Spoth, VDI Technologiezentrum 14:00 Uhr Offene Fragerunde zum Förderprogramm 14:30 Uhr Ende der Veranstaltung Anmeldung The event has ended.

Online panel discussion: The future of Germany as a centre for chemicals: innovation driver or stagnation? (in German)


-in German only- At this event, experts from business, politics and the start-up scene will discuss the future viability of Germany as a centre for the chemical industry. In addition to keynote speeches by Dr Hermann Schiegg (Santiago Advisors) and Dr Bernhard Langhammer (ChemDelta Bavaria), participants can look forward to a moderated panel discussion with […]

Going with the Flow – Unlocking the Assets of Continuous Fermentation


Description Many industrial processes run in continuous mode to maximise space-time-yield. However, for most industrial fermentation processes, batch and fed-batch mode are still dominant. The implementation of continuous fermentation processes possesses a huge potential for increasing the productivity. What are the obstacles? Why is continuous fermentation not (yet) used widely? What is research doing to […]

IBISBA Stakeholder Event: Let’s accelerate innovation in industrial biotechnology

Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart

IBISBA Stakeholder Event IBISBA is a European research infrastructure and community for industrial biotechnology consisting of research institutions from 10 European countries. Since 2017, we have been pooling European expertise to provide researchers from academia and industry worldwide with integrated services for all phases of bioprocess development projects. Now things are getting more concrete – IBISBA is […]

8th International BioSC Symposium: “Bioeconomy and sustainability – Opportunities, expectations, responsibilities”

The 8th International BioSC Symposium, a platform for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange for a sustainable bioeconomy, will focus on the question of how bio-based solutions can contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event addresses experts from academia and industry, civil society and politics. Continuously updated information can be found at […]

EU Bioeconomy Clusters’ Alliance

Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw Simon Bolivarlaan 17, Bruxelles, Belgium

CLIB is proud to be a founding member of the European Bioeconomy Clusters Alliance, where leading bioeconomy clusters across the EU will collaborate to amplify the voice of the circular bioeconomy sector and work for a positive framework for our sector. Join us in Brussels on 10 February 2025, when we launch the Alliance. The […]

TransBiB Workshop: Building the Future – Construction and Lightweight Construction in the Focus of the Bioeconomy

Aachen , Germany

In a whole-day TransBiB workshop on 13 February 2025 in hybrid (in person in Aachen and online) the project wants to discuss with stakeholders from the construction and lightweight construction industry, to exchange best practices and discuss individual challenges. The event is free. Please note that the workshop will be in German.   More information […]