CLIB Webinar Funding Programme Industrial Bioeconomy
Our webinar on the industrial bioeconomy funding programme in cooperation with the VDI project management agency took place on 4 December. Katrin Spoth presented the 4 building blocks of the funding programme, which aims to support the scaling of processes in particular, and gave advice on how to submit applications in the subsequent discussion.
At the beginning of the webinar, Dennis Herzberg gave an introduction in which he emphasised the importance of scaling up and the fact that high investment requirements continue to be associated with high risk, particularly in the later development phases (TRL 6 and higher). The BMWK wants to address this problem with the industrial bioeconomy funding line. To this end, the already known measure has been expanded to include Module C, in which direct plant investments can now also be funded. The other modules for process development (A), plant planning (B) and for innovation clusters (D) remain. Katrin Spoth presented the objectives, requirements and framework conditions for all four modules and also discussed the two-stage funding procedure in the course of her presentation. She also presented the aid intensities that are possible for companies and research institutions in the individual modules.
A total of 3 submission deadlines are planned for next year. Outlines can be submitted on 15 January, 15 April and 15 October. From 2026, only the deadlines of 15 April and 15 October will apply. For Module C, the only deadline is 15 October. The VDI submission portal must be used for all outlines:
The complete announcement for the funding line is available at Industrial Bioeconomy funding guideline: Förderrichtlinie Industrielle Bioökonomie (German)