Roll&Match @CLIB
If you are reading these lines you are willing to play a game designed with the material you received in your conference bag. On this site, you can find the full rules (in German and English) as well as the short overview and the scoring sheet. In order to play the game, you need two CLIB dice coming from you and another participant of the conference.
If you have any question related to the game contact the designer Markus Müller ( directly.
We hope you enjoy a few minutes of gaming on our conference (and afterwards).
Full game rules
The full game rules are available only online. You can download them in English or German.
Short overview
The short overview is included as print in your conference bags. You can download it here in English or German.
Scoring sheet
The scoring sheets are included as note block in your conference bags. You can downlad and print the sheets if you run out of you note block: English