Workshop Channeling – an engineering tool in biotechnology?

Dechema-Haus Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Channeling of substrates, metabolites and products is a crucial issue in any biotech process. In this workshop, the latest developments regarding transport processes in enzymatic or microbial systems will be […]

Test Hubspot

Test Test-Str., Testhausen, Germany

Biocatalysis for the Biological Transformation of Polymer Science

Köln , Germany

  The EFB Biocatalysis Division and the EFB Biobased Materials Division are delighted to invite you to Biocatalysis for the Biological Transformation of Polymer Science conference. The event will be held in […]

30. C.A.R.M.E.N.-Symposium

Hotel Asam Wittelsbacherhöhe 1, Straubing, Germany

Seit der Gründung 1992 veranstaltet C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V. jährlich im Juli das zweitägige Symposium. Die Tagung ist gegliedert in zwölf Fachblöcke, welche teilweise parallel stattfinden. Expertinnen und Experten der Branche informieren […]


Frankfurt , Germany

Modern, interaktiv und immer am Puls der Zeit: Mit einzigartiger Themenbreite, spannenden Fokusthemen und neuen Veranstaltungsformaten versammelt die Weltleitmesse für Prozessindustrie wieder Experten, qualifizierte Anwender und Interessenten aus der ganzen […]

Circular-Bio Exkursion: Insect School der Firma Insect Engineers

Brightlands Campus Villa Flora Villafloraweg 1, Venlo, Netherlands

Das Interesse an der Thematik “Alternative Proteinpflanzen und Insektenprotein” ist groß, wie unser vorangegangenes Forum “The future of alternative proteins – Meeting the experts”  am 5. April 2022 gezeigt hat. […]


Fantastic enzymes: Where and how to find them


The agenda and short abstracts of the presentations are now available and can be downloaded here. The development of sustainable and resource-saving processes is a major focus of R&D&I work, […]

Circular Economy Hotspot

Bottrop Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Since 2016, the annual summit of international companies, political actors and experts in the field of Circular Economy has taken place in locations such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Scotland or […]